Monday, October 11, 2010

Creativity from Without

Often art is seen as something from within. Within the artist comes expression and creativity. Art allows people to work through emotions and inner feelings, but what about art and creativity from without? This idea I think of as something along the lines of inspiration. What inspires us to create? As I've mentioned before my hobby is photography and I think that photography is an art form that most often deals with creativity from without. When I get out my camera and set out to take photos and "be creative" (whatever that means?) I find what inspires me and photograph that. This is nature and people; things that I have very little control of but things that inspire me to create.
This past summer I spent two months living at a boy's orphanage in the Dominican Republic. Everyday I was inspired by what was around me whether it was  the sunset over El Morro in Monte Cristi or the joy on a little boy's face after he poured water on someone's head. These things inspired me and everyday I had my camera around my neck ready for what I would see. Everyday was beautiful, the country, the people, the emotions. But none of that had to do with me or anything inside of me. What I saw and experienced from outside of me inspired me to create. It was a beautiful two months.

Here are a few of my favorite photos that I took this past summer:

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